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On-Country Healing Day

7 March

Healing through Connection to Land, Water, and Sky

Connection to Country is an integral aspect of mental, spiritual and physical wellness for many First Nations people. Land, water, and sky are the mouthpieces through which community can connect with ancestors and culture. Facilitating opportunities to connect to Country are an important aspect of many grassroots suicide prevention programs, and it is similarly important for suicide prevention workers to take the time to draw strength from country. 


That is why this year, the Suicide Prevention Forum will be taking its workshop day onto Boonwurrung country, allowing attendees to learn the history and culture of this special corner of Australia, in a location that will soothe the eyes and heal the soul.  


Furthermore, you will learn how you can transfer the healing that you will experience into your own communities and suicide prevention programs. This is also a great way to consolidate what you have learned at the two-day forum, and to continue networking with your peers in a more relaxed and intimate setting.

Steven Ulula Parker, Millowl Dreaming 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Experience the healing that being on country facilitates

  • Equip yourself with grounding exercises and healing tools to incorporate into your own practice and share with your community

  • Understand the cultural significance of the local land

  • Consolidate and put into practice your learnings from the forum in a hands-on setting



Welcome to Boonwurrung Country


Learning the history of Boonwurrung country


Morning Tea


Connecting with Boonwurrung cultural sites for learning and healing




Experiencing the connection between wellness and on-country activities


Afternoon Tea


Summarise and discuss your takeaways to develop on-country healing experiences in your local community


End of Day 

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